Friday, August 13, 2010

CombatWords! August 13, 2010: Industry, Innovations and Corporations

CombatWords! August 13, 2010: Industry, Innovations and Corporations

Industry, Innovations and Corporations: I know. It sounds boring until you look past the blah blah branding and examine these wires and turbines up close. Dell makes my monitor and Intel makes my processor; Lenscrafters made my glasses and a sweatshop made my t-shirt. Are II&C the necessary results of labor? And what is their purpose? Simple addiction? Sell you the medicine and the poison? That sounds nefarious. Doesn't Paul Ricour say we seek altered consciousnesses? Why wouldn't society have addicted by-products? Or do you see something else in those shadows of smokestacks?

Combat Expiration: August 15, 2010; 6pm PST

Critique Expiration: August 16, 2010; 6pm PST

Time Bonus: +1 per hour ahead of August 14, 2010; 12am PST, for a max bonus of +8.

The Vinny Club - Infinite Smokebombs from Digital Beast on Vimeo.

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